Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Grade 5 Wire Sculpture

Grade 5 created these sculptures from panty-hose, wire hangers, styrofoam and paint. They were learning abstract expressionism- this their shape and color choices should represent a particular emotion.

Grade 4 Birds Nests

Grade 4 has created beautiful Robin's nests using acrylic paint!

Bottle Cap Mural

We are plugging away at our bottle cap mural!! There will be 6 panels...about 12 feet x12 feet and 5,000 caps! Please keep the caps coming!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Hello Parents! Ms. Laura and I came up with the idea of the preschoolers visiting the "big art room" and being mentored by the "big kids".  I had the pleasure of inviting the pm preschoolers to my art classroom on TUESDAY and on Thursday I saw the AM preschoolers.  We had a terrific time! They buddied up with older students (PM with Grade 3 -Ms. Perdana's Class and AM with Grade 5- Ms. Smith's Class),  With their partners, they created imaginative creatures (aliens, monsters or magical creatures) using a variety of materials such as: modeling clay, google eyes, pipe cleaners and craft sticks.  We named our creatures and even had puppet shows with them!  It was a great collaborative effort and we really got to use our imaginations! I was so happy with the results of this "experiment".  My 3rd grade and 5th grade students were such wonderful teachers and mentors to the little ones, and they really encouraged their creative minds and imaginations. A great success!! If you saw your magical creature coming home with you....and perhaps an arm or a leg has fallen off, please explain to them that the most important thing was that we had fun creating these creatures and that they were not meant to last forever.  You can encourage them to crumple them up and make a new creature!!!!  If you are looking to foster art in your home....modeling clay, google eyes, pipe cleaners, craft sticks, feathers and dried pasta are a great start for your art room as those materials can be made into almost anything!!!!
Please see my Blog for photos of this event!!!

Have a Great Weekend!!!